“Whatever you do for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do also for me.” (Matthew 25:40)


On the parking lot side of the church during the Summer months you will see six barrels with tomato plants.  This is an annual project of the mission committee. We supply the tending and harvesting and then donate the produce to Scarborough Food Pantry. If you are here at the church, please check to see if they need water. 

 Missions Close to Home

Blue Point Church supports the following:

Little Free Library - available to the community to “take a book/leave a book” for everyone to enjoy

Emergency Fuel Assistance (annual donation)

Scarborough Food Pantry (annual donation and food items)

Scarborough School District Food Backpack Program – our Sunday School and local Girl Scout troops do a food collection – one to two times a year

Blue Point Primary School – donations of winter outerwear and clothing for emergency use, annual collection of school supplies for teachers  (on-going)

Preble Street Resource – serving the needs of those living on the streets of Portland (clothing collections two to three times a year)

Grace Street Ministry - A compassionate outreach ministry to the homeless and marginalized in downtown Portland, Maine, offering support through presence, prayer and advocacy (annual donation)

Portland Recovery Resource Center - Providing support, education, resources, and advocacy for people recovering from and affected by addiction.

Camperships for children/youth attending Pilgrim Lodge – outdoor ministry camp of the Maine Conference United Church of Christ and Camp Ketcha, Scarborough   (annual donation)

H.O.M.E. – Orland, Maine – improves the quality of life for low-income and homeless families in Hancock County by providing resources of food, jobs, shelter, low-income housing, and education  (annual donation, goods in kind, and hands-on volunteer experience)

Maine School of Ministry (MESOM) – program of the Maine Conference United Church of Christ that offers courses for adult students who are exploring their own spiritual formation, exploring a call to ministry, as well as ordained clergy seeking quality continuing education   (annual donation)

Global Missions

Partners for World Health -  collects and redistributes needed medical supplies and equipment internationally; sends medical personnel on medical missions to developing countries   (annual donation)   

Compassion International - Supporting impoverished children worldwide

If you wish to make a donation in support of Blue Point Church’s mission outreach, you may send a check made payable to Blue Point Congregational Church to John Bauer, Treasurer; 236 Pine Point Road; Scarborough, ME 04074.  Please make sure “Mission Fund” is written on the memo line.  Thank you!