Building and Grounds Committee
Above, Charlotte Nolan, our Master Gardener, preparing our gardens for another beautiful Spring and Summer flower show!
Below, Tom Nolan, assisting with the flower bed preparations.
Many thanks to both of you for all of your time and effort in keeping our gardens so beautiful!
During the past five years (2019-2024) the Building & Grounds Committee has coordinated the following projects: completed repointing and sealing of the Church exterior; roof replacement; perimeter drain system; garden and lawn refurbishment; block window replacement; interior water damage repair; new portable sound system; runner replacement and floors cleaning and repair. We have also completed our handicapped ramp access into the sanctuary, and have shortened two pews in order to create a wheelchair accessible area. The next big project on our list is the repair of the sanctuary windows. Phase 1 of that project was completed in the Fall of 2023. We are thrilled to report that the final six windows were installed in June of 2024! During one of the wind storms in early 2024 the cross blew off of our roof and was destroyed when it hit the ground. A huge thank you to Tom Nolan, who built a new cross, and to Mike Wood, who enlisted the gracious help of the Scarborough Fire Department to get the new cross mounted on our roof again. Thank you to our dedicated team of volunteers, our community neighbors and our generous donors, without whom we could not have accomplished all of these projects!
Join our crew with your green thumb or "get it done" attitude. We work on the gardens and grounds several times a year to keep everything looking spiffy.